Apps stock

Where does Wall Street think shares of Digital Turbine Inc (APPS) will go?

Wall Street is positive on Digital Turbine Inc (APPS). On average, analysts give APPS a Strong Buy rating. The average price target is $96.6, which means analysts expect the stock to gain 313.70% over the next twelve months. This average ranking gives APPS an analyst rating of 72, which is better than 72% of stocks based on data compiled by InvestorsObserver.

Wall Street analysts rate APPS as a Strong Buy today. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the leaderboard on APPS!

Why are analyst ratings important?

You can learn a lot about a company by looking at its financial statements and comparing them to other companies. Analysts who cover an industry in depth can add even more to your research. They usually follow a particular sector or industry very closely. They also pay attention and ask questions during earnings conference calls and other events where they might learn information that appears in the numbers.

InvestorsObserver takes the average rating of these analysts and then ranks these averages into percentiles. This allows you to compare stocks in a much more granular way than just seeing the typical five-tier rating system used across much of Wall Street.

What’s going on with Digital Turbine Inc stock today?

Digital Turbine Inc (APPS) stock gained 1.61% while the S&P 500 was down -1.78% at 2:27 p.m. Thursday, May 12. APPS gained $0.37 from the previous closing price of $22.98 on volume of 3,312,407 shares. Over the past year, the S&P 500 is down -4.87% while the APPS is down -59.87%. APPS has earned $0.46 per share over the past 12 months, giving it a price-earnings ratio of 50.18. Click here for the full Digital Turbine Inc. stock report.

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