Apps earnings

The latest results for the apps and games that generated the most revenue in April 2022 are finally available! / World of digital information

Many people wonder if apps and games still make money these days and the answer might surprise you!

A new report has shed light on the most revenue generated last month from apps and games and we hope you’re just as excited as we are for the end results.

When it comes to general apps, the report listed the top ten apps that generated the biggest revenue last month. And while some favorites made the list, others were shocked to see how others didn’t.

Well, it’s no surprise for the highest-grossing app in the US – it’s none other than TikTok of course. We’ve seen the popular video app turn into a mega sensation in such a short time.

The huge leap in growth started last year and it’s safe to say that it’s still going strong. The estimates highlighted in the report show how a massive $56 million in revenue was generated by the app in the United States alone.

As for the runner-up winner, well, the prize was tied between YouTube and HBO Max. The two apps generated a staggering $47 million in revenue. And the report explained how this was definitely a major win for HBO Max, especially considering that its stark competitor Disney+ only managed to win half of that. Moreover, he managed to land the 5th position in terms of recent earning list.

But wait, the surprises continue. A leading app has been knocked off the list, to the surprise of many people. Do you think you can determine which one was not successful in terms of revenue? Well, let’s break the suspense – it was BIGO Live. On the Play Store, he won the final position, but many predict that he will not be able to return next month.

It was a bit sad to see as he really upped his game in terms of revenue growth, rising almost $12 million, but with such giants in sight there was not much he could do.

Overall, the combined revenue generated by all apps approached around $316 million for the last month in the United States. Another point to note is that the list is quite similar to March, as is the ranking, so no major surprises there.

Now, let’s focus on the games for a change. The top spot goes to none other than Candy Crush. The popular game generated a lot of revenue in the United States, reaching $94 million.

This is major news as the revenue figures generated for the month of March were 59% lower, showing massive growth in just 30 days. In second place, Roblox managed with $59 million and it’s interesting how much lower it is than the previous month. But even with declining revenue, it’s still at the top, which is saying a lot.

Previously we saw Call of Duty reach the seventh position but it’s amazing how it worked its magic and succeeded with massive cash prizes when tech pundits predicted it would be phased out altogether from the list.

One game that failed to score any position on the list included Garena Free Fire, and that surprised quite a few hardcore fans. The fact that he could only score single-digit million earnings just wasn’t enough to get him back in the rankings.

Together, these games generated $331 million in revenue last month in the United States, nearly 5% more than the March total. But we hope to see additional growth in the near future as more advertisers take an active role in post-ATT times.

H/T: A F Blog.

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