Apps stock

Should you buy shares of Digital Turbine Inc (APPS) on Wednesday?

Investors Observer gives Digital Turbine Inc (APPS) a solid evaluation score of 90 from its analysis. The proprietary rating system takes into account the underlying health of a business by analyzing its stock price, earnings and rate of growth. APPS currently holds a better value than 90% of the shares based on these metrics. Long-term buy and hold investors should find the most relevant valuation ranking system when making investment decisions.

APPS achieves an evaluation rating of 90 today. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the leaderboard on APPS!

Metrics analysis

APPS’s 12-month price-to-earnings (PE) ratio of 110.6 puts it above the all-time average of around 15. APPS is poor value at its current trading price as investors pay more than its value in relation to the company’s profits. . APPS ‘last 12 month earnings per share (EPS) of 0.54 does not justify what it is currently trading in the market. However, follower PE ratios do not take into account a company’s projected growth rate, resulting in some companies having high PE ratios due to high growth potentially attractive to investors, even though earnings current are weak. APPS currently has a 12-month forward PE-to-Growth (PEG) ratio of 0.86. The market is currently pricing APPS fairly against its projected growth due to the PEG ratio hovering around fair market value of 1. APPS ‘PEG is derived from its forward price / earnings ratio divided by its growth rate. . Because PEG ratios include more of a company’s overall health fundamentals with an additional focus on the future, they are one of the valuation metrics most used by analysts.


APPS ‘has an adequate valuation at its current market price due to a fair PEG ratio valued despite strong growth. APPS ‘PE and PEG are around the market average, resulting in an average valuation score. Click here for the full Digital Turbine Inc (APPS) inventory report.