Apps earnings

Racket of instant loan applications: Beware of these applications! Delhi Police Special Cell Releases Names After China Connection Discovered | Complete list

Instant Loan Application Racket: The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) busted a scam linked to loans worth Rs 500 crore on Saturday. According to Delhi Police Special Cell, the scam involved various instant loan application modules with Chinese connections.

Police have arrested 22 people in the past two months who worked for Chinese nationals. They allegedly diverted 500 crore rupees to China through hawala or by investing in cryptocurrency, an official said on Saturday.

According to Delhi Special Cell report, instant loan app includes Raise cash app, PP money app, Rupees master app, Cash ray app, Mobipocket app, Papa money app , Infinity cash app and more.

Here is the full list of apps that have been identified by the police —
Fundraising app
PP Money Application
Main application of rupees
cash ray app
Mobipocket app
daddy money app
Infinity cash app
Kredit mango app
Wonderful Credit Application
CB Loan Application
cash advance application
HDB Loan App
Cash tree app
RAW Loan App

Being processed
Minute cash app
cash light app
Cash fish app
HD Credit App
Land application Ruppes
Cashier application
Rupee loan application
Well the Kredit app

Chinese Instant Loan Apps Linked to Lucknow Based Extortion Call Center:-
1. Cash payment
4. Wow Rupee
5. Smart Wallet
6. Giant Wallet
7. HiRupee
8. Swift Rupee
10. Fishing club
11. Yeah Cash
12. ImLoan
13. Growtree
14. Magical Balance
15. Yocash
16. Tree of Fortune
17. Supercoin
18. RedMagic

KPS Deputy Police Commissioner Malhotra said hundreds of complaints have been received by Delhi Police that instant loan applications are disbursing loans at higher rates and even after loan payment they are extorting money. money using the transformed nude photos.

“IFSO became aware of this and began to analyze the complaints in which it was found that more than 100 such applications were involved in loan and extortion racketeering,” Malhotra said.