Apps earnings

Mumbai: Kurar Police File 2 New FIRs Against Rogue Loan Apps | Bombay News

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MUMBAI: Two new FIRs have been registered by Kurar Police in relation to loan applications that use unethical practices to recover money from borrowers. The Kurar police station in Malad (east) recorded the maximum number of FIRs – nearly ten – in connection with the harassment of debt collectors.
In the first case, a 31-year-old complainant had downloaded an app called “Salary Loan” in February 2022. He submitted copies of his Pan and Aadhaar cards and provided his bank details. He took out a loan of Rs 15,000 and repaid the sum within a week before deleting the application. Three months later, he received a call on May 26 asking for money to be donated to another app. When he refused to do so, recovery agents abused him in WhatsApp calls and then circulated his objectionable morphed photos among relatives and colleagues.
In the second case, the 35-year-old driver downloaded an app called “Hello Rupee” on April 27. He needed Rs 3,000 and submitted all the necessary documents. He only received 1,700 rupees, but repaid the full sum of 3,000 rupees on 4 May. But on May 11, he started receiving verbally abusive WhatsApp calls and messages from recovery agents.
Later, his objectionable morphed images also circulated among his contacts. Mumbai police have filed at least 27 FIRs against loan applications for harassment of borrowers. They also identified a list of 100 malicious apps and sent it to the national nodal authority, CERT-In, for blocking.


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